A Picture Is Worth 1,000 Words: Why NOT a Photo Op?

Attention candidates: Your staff’s latest brainstorm – a clever photo opportunity – can break your election mojo faster than I can say “Michele Bachmann swallows.” Resist the urge to blindly follow your campaign team’s itinerary and instead ask yourself this: If I do this will I look like…

I used to be an intern in the Clinton White House?
A total dweeb playing GI Joe in a toy helmet?

I moonlight as a proctologist?

I played a sperm in Woody Allen’s “Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex (But Were Afraid To Ask)?”

I’m a hypocritical homophobe who secretly enjoys a man-on-man hug more than I should?

I’m a clueless dork going through the motions?

And just in case you-the-candidate think you can suck it up and put lipstick on a pig in front of a camera ala a Rick Santorum concession speech, remind yourself that your family might not be the Academy Award winning performers you turned out to be.
