Law & Order … and communication


Effective communication is our business here at Truscott Rossman, but it is critical to success in just about everything we do, from our personal and business relationships to our broader social interactions. I was recently reminded of that while serving on a criminal jury trial in Ingham Circuit Court.

From the judge, to the attorneys, to the witnesses, all have to effectively deliver their messages to the jury. Granted, you might need a law degree to try a case successfully, but communication skills aren’t far behind.

No matter what group or person you want to reach, reviewing the checklist we use at Truscott Rossman can make you a more effective communicator:

  • Credibility – Get the right messenger, someone your audience will consider a trusted source of information.
  • Caring, Compassion and Concern – Make sure your audience knows that you care about the issue and them.
  • Content – Make your message relevant; speak to what your audience will understand.
  • Customer Benefits – Tell the audience how they will benefit. Answer the question, What’s in it for me?
  • Clarity – Be sure your message is simple and straightforward.
  • Continuity and Consistency – Repeat your message precisely and regularly.
  • Channels – Consider the various channels/tools of communication available and choose those that most effectively reach your audience.
  • Call to Action – Tell your audience how they can act on the messages you’ve delivered.