Laura Edgington

Digital Specialist
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Laura specializes in digital strategies, paid media, and brand management to drive impactful campaigns. She focuses on innovation, collaboration, and building strong client relationships across industries. Marketing is about having fun and delivering content to the right audience.

Laura Edgington prides herself on being a digital storyteller and strategic forward-thinker, committed to helping clients navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape and achieve measurable success. Through collaborative teamwork, Laura delivers impactful campaigns, strengthens search efforts, and builds meaningful client relationships across diverse industries.

Currently serving as a Digital Specialist at Truscott Rossman, Laura draws on years of experience in all things digital to help clients meet their marketing goals. Throughout her career, Laura has directed creative teams, developed comprehensive marketing strategies, and successfully aligned digital efforts with business objectives. She has elevated brands by overseeing social media, visual content, and digital campaigns that drive engagement and results.

Laura resides in the Grand Rapids area, a proud east side transplant. Her career journey spans roles at Experience Grand Rapids, LaFleur Marketing, and in tech, legal, and finance marketing, among others. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling, spending time with family, live music and exploring the outdoors.