Sharon Emery at TEDxLansing 2011

Here’s Truscott Rossman VP Sharon Emery’s speech from TEDxLansing 2011: “The Disabled Listener: They can talk, they can hear, they just don’t listen:”

Sometime way-back-when, humans figured out that we need to interact in a meaningful way, so language – talking and listening –came to be. That was then. Today we focus on the production of sound rather than the thoughtful receipt of it. Our culture celebrates the glib, which poses a real challenge for people like Sharon, who stutters.

Banter is not something stutterers do, which makes it very hard for you would-be listeners. You’ve in effect been disabled by the Culture of the Glib. Anything that veers from that standard throws you off course. They see you wince when they are speaking, look away or actually break out in what can only be assumed to be nervous laughter.

Sharon will present on the social stigmas faced in life as a stutterer and how to listen, to really listen and hear, what one of our region’s most experienced communicators has to say.