Happy Social Media Day!

In celebration of Mashable’s Social Media Day (#SMDay) – “a day to celebrate the revolution of media becoming social” – I thought I would use my weekly blog post to honor some of the things I love about social media. Here you go:

1. Citizen Journalism/Citizen Activism

The instant communication facilitated by sites like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube have empowered average citizens to take communication into their own hands (or smart phones) and bypass traditional communication channels.Hudson River plan

In instances like the Hudson River plane landing this meant remarkable images being broadcast to the world before the news media could get their cameras in position. But in the Middle East, sites like Facebook and Twitter have helped organize revolutions and topple governments.

2. Location services

Services like Foursquare exploded in 2009 and 2010. It’s been a great tool to let people know about a hip new eatery or to brag about being on vacation in the Virgin Islands while the rest of your friends suffer in the cold Michigan spring. 🙂

3. QR Codes

I’ll be the first to admit, if you’re new to QR codes they can take a while to figure out. Once you’re used to them, however, they can be pretty cool. They add interactivity to signage and print pieces and provide instant access to additional information on a product, event or service. And from a communication practitioner’s standpoint, they add a degree of measurability to tactics that have traditionally been difficult to track.

4. Social Commerce

Who doesn’t love a great deal? Social buying through sites like Groupon and Livingsocial provide steep discounts upwards of 50 percent and are an effective way to introduce businesses to new customers. These sites really took off last year and many are predicting them to adjust and become even better for businesses and consumers as the services get even refined.

5. Stupid entertainment

In my mind you can’t talk about the best of social media without acknowledging the endless hours of entertainment provided by sites like ICanHasCheezBurger and YouTube, where anyone with a hilarious trip and fall or a ridiculously cute cat can become internet star. Sure, it’s mindless but we all watch them.

Clearly, this list could be miles long, but I think I’ll just leave it for you to tell me what I’m missing.