Kids’ Food Basket: Yet Another Reason to Love Grand Rapids

On Wednesday, I attended what I thought was going to be just another networking event here in Grand Rapids, but as soon as I saw table #11, I had a feeling that this was not going to be just another ordinary night.

We sat down at the table and all introduced ourselves, and I was thrilled to find out that I was sitting with the founder of the Kids’ Food Basket, Mary K. Hoodhood, her assistant and their executive director Bridget Clark Whitney.
The Kids’ Food Basket is an amazing not-for-profit organization that helps “attack childhood hunger” here in Grand Rapids.  Over the past eight years the Kids’ Food Basket has grown from serving 125 school kids a day to now serving 3700 school kids a day. The Kids’ Food Basket passes out sack supper meals that provide 1000 calories and five food groups all essential to the development of brains and bodies.

Although I know it was not their intent to steal the spotlight last night, Mary K. Hoodhood and Bridget Clark Whitney turned out to be the highlight of my night.  They are two amazing women – both inspirations! Learn more about the Kids’ Food Basket at