GREAT NEWS! Truscott Rossman is soon to be the proud parent of the 12th edition of the Lobby Guide. Our baby is expected the week of April 9, 2019.
Finally, after months (and months) of adding, reviewing, editing, and editing some more, the Lobby Guide is done and sent to print! You may ask, how does the “Michigan Legislators’ Guide to Lobbyists and Reporters” (aka The Lobby Guide) get made? How does Truscott Rossman get Michigan’s movers and shakers all in one book? We wish we could say it’s magic.
The project begins in earnest immediately following the November election. Our team calls and emails every government and media professional currently in the guide and asks them to update their information. At the same time, our team reaches out to all newly elected and/or appointed officials to gather their information for inclusion in the Lobby Guide.
Next, our Project Tracker compiles all of the information together into one central database, including bios, backgrounds and headshots.
Finally, our team’s designer gets to work composing the 450+ page document in InDesign. After which, the proofing process begins, and our team scours the document for consistency edits, typos and, of course, any missing information. Once all steps are completed, the Lobby Guide goes to the printer and we anxiously wait for delivery.
When it’s time to deliver, we’ll let you know via social media (be sure to follow us!) Our Lansing team will be delivering one complimentary copy to each legislative office listed in the guide. Orders that have been placed through Truscott Rossman will also be fulfilled at this time.
“Who’d a thought” this Lobby Guide – which has been around since its first 72-page printing in 1995 – would have grown into more than 450 pages of Michigan’s key influencers. Pretty impressive, right?
The Lobby Guide is available in both electronic and hard copy editions. Order your very own copy now at